Five Day Challenge - Lean Launch Lead



Watch This Video For Some MUST SEE INFORMATION!
100% Money Back Guarantee

Hey there my friend,
I’m David Sharpe and…

Today I’m not going to give you the typical hyped up claims of “make money fast” or “you don’t need a product, website or list” like all the other get rich quick gurus out there are touting.

Today, it’s finally time for you to realize that any online business or side-hustle is possible for you. You just have to commit time to learn and get started the right way from someone with the experience to teach you the right way and not waste anymore time.

I’m David Sharpe

Here's My #1 Goal For You... I want you to complete what you buy.

What A Novel Idea...

In over 15 years in the online education space, the one thing I see that makes "here today gone tomorrow" courses is the complete lack of care of their students AFTER the purchase.

I don't want you to be left hanging, trying to figure it all out on your own.
I don't want you missing out on the exact thing you've been searching for.

What I do want is to see you dive into the challenge, stay engaged, and celebrate with us when you cross that finish line.

So, how do we make sure that happens?

We're providing EVERY SINGLE STUDENT of the 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge a dedicated advisor to go through the challenge WITH you.
This isn't just about starting something, it's about seeing it through to the end and getting the results you deserve.

And let's be real...
Completing this challenge could be the game-changer you've been waiting for.

It's only five days of your life, but it could impact the rest of your life in ways you can't even imagine.

Your success is our mission, and we're obsessed with helping you achieve it.

David Sharpe


That provide you the simple yet powerful building blocks that are crucial in digital marketing. You'll finally have the simple steps for you to follow and get an online business launched! (And Feel Good About it)

  • Learn - Introduction to digital marketing
    DAY 1: LEARN
    This is your introduction to Digital Marketing.
    THE CORE FOUR: Understand the four core areas of digital marketing that give you options for your business.
    What You'll Learn:
    • Introduction To Funnels
    • Picking A Niche/Focus
    • What you need to get started
  • Launch with a focus on content
    On this day, we focus on what it takes to get launched! We introduce you to content creation and how to get started with Faceless Marketing tactics.
    What You'll Learn:
    • Faceless Marketing For Beginners
    • Real Stories of Faceless Success & Strategies
  • Lead with confidence
    DAY 3: LEAD
    Day 3 is your JAM PACKED full masterclass of how to LEAD with CONFIDENCE as you create content and a personal brand.
    What You'll Learn:
    • Grab 50 FREE HOOKS
    • Create A Content Strategy
    • Implement what you learn immediately!
  • Mindset
    This is everyone's FAVORITE DAY! Dave covers entrepreneurial dynamics. You'll walk understanding the mindset and dynamics of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
    What You'll Learn:
    • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
    • Why MINDSET is KEY!
    • Book recommendation we LOVE!
  • Business Plan
    Dave walks you through putting together a comprehensive business plan class, so you can continue to take focused, intentional action with your online business.
    What You'll Learn:
    • Have a completed Business Plan to use as your guide.
    • Learn About Additional options to further your education and expertise.

Plus we throw in these exclusive bonuses to ensure you have everything you need to GET LAUNCHED FAST!

Exclusive Bonuses
  • Bonus #1 - Top-Converting Funnel Templates

    Let me hand you a top-converting funnel to put straight into your funnel builder (if you don't have one, we'll hook you up with a free trial - this is the same sales funnel page builder I use to run all my campaigns).
  • Bonus #2 - Bridge Page Video Script

    Knowing what to say can sometimes be overwhelming. With this bonus, you’ll know exactly what to say and how to say it so you can build your brand and have a long-lasting business. This script will eliminate your fear of getting on video.
  • Bonus #3 - Email Templates To Launch With

    My email templates are designed to build relationships, establish trust, and deliver value... Use these templates to do the same for you!
  • Bonus #4 - Facebook Ad Templates

    Facebook is the hottest advertising platform on earth right now so I’ll give you templates complete with full swipe files that can help you launch your first paid ad online!
  • Bonus #5 - Launch With Short Form Content

    Use this powerful bonus to get your creative juices flowing and create your first short form video for your business. This will help you connect with future clients online simply, easy and effectively.
  • Bonus #6 - A Customized Business Plan

    Now that you have the core information and training you need we’ll help you create your own customized business plan. You now have clarity on exactly what you want and how to achieve it (step-by-step).
  • Bonus #7 - Personal 1-on-1 Advisor

    Right when you join, you'll be assigned a dedicated advisor that's there for you as you move through the challenge. You can ask questions and get helpful advice from them as your trusted source and wealth of knowledge who's ready to assist. Your advisor will guide you through the challenge and unlock days for you as you move through it. You will immediately be able to text, email, or hop on a zoom call with them.

By the time you’re done with my Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge, you’ll have the foundational training you need, an actual physical business plan to follow, your funnel and your email list set-up properly, and ready for you to launch with a content plan in hand!


DISCLAIMER: These testimonials are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same results as the customers who provided them, as individual results may vary based on various factors.
5 JAM PACKED Days of detailed lessons


  • 5 JAM PACKED Days of detailed lessons you can immediately take action on and walk away feeling confident how to get started online.
  • A dedicated Advisor to be your guide as you move through and make it easy to complete.
  • My Top converting 2-Step Funnel Templates
  • Paid Ad Scripts
  • Bridge Page Video Script
  • Email Templates to get your lead generation kicked off with automation
  • 50 Free Hooks For Scroll Stopping Content
  • Short Form Content Bonus Ideas
  • A customized Business Plan to help you stay focused in your newly launched business

All This For: Just $5

We Can Confidently Share...
You've Found The One Place That
Will Actually Help You.

Dave Sharpe

No more opting into 20 different programs.

No more filling your inbox with sales letter after sales letter from this guru or that.

No more feeling left alone, not knowing who to turn to as you launch a new online business.

It’s all right here, on your terms, when you're ready. To keep you focused
To keep you driven
To keep you feeling supported

But right now the first step…
the only step to focus on
is to start the 5-Day Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge TODAY.

Devour each day
Ask questions
Complete the assignments
Take notes
And we leave you feeling confident to get launched online.

And explore what’s truly involved in becoming a Digital Marketer.


Money Back Guarantee

You can join this challenge with confidence. If you're not fully satisfied, simply request a refund within 30 days

No questions asked, we’ll refund your $5 bucks.
All you have to do is submit your refund request to my customer service department.

What Do You Say...
Are you up for the CHALLENGE?

Are you ready to finally take a real step towards new skills and new goals?

If so, LET’S GO.
SLAM the button below.

Enter your details on our safe and secure order page.
We'll see you on the inside in just seconds!